Saturday, March 21, 2009

The problem with time-based plans...

The problem with time-based plans...
In 1,751 days from today (March 21st, 2009), 1,751 days will have passed, and it will (hopefully, universe willing) be January 5, 2014, regardless of anything I may or may not have accomplished.
We cannot speed up, or even stop, the passing of time.
The passing of time isn't a plan, it's a given.
Simply passing time waiting around for a certain date to finally appear on the calendar, or waiting around for anything in particular, does not prepare one's self for the date's arrival.
It reminds me of an example from a motivational tape I use to listen to a long time ago... A marathon runner that decides they need to sit and rest their muscles to save their energy in preparation for a marathon will not be able to run the marathon when the day arrives because their muscles, not having been exercised, will not be able to function!
It makes me wonder... if I'm not able to practice happiness while I'm sitting around waiting for time to pass, will I be happy beyond the arrival of the desired date?
Perhaps sailing, or anything for that matter, is just a side-bar to the overall life goal of finding happiness within rather than outside of one's self...