Sunday, February 25, 2007

More todo...

I was standing at a Athena remembering the things I had forgotten to put on the previous todo list....

22. Scrape bottom of now well grown dinghy.
23. Formulate and install a way to store the dinghy on deck of Athena.
24. Install new depth sounder.
25. Finish painting the stern.
26. Pick font for Athena lettering and enlist the sign maker.
27. Convert port aft birth into storage. (split cushion).
28. Figure out where I'm going to build new shelves on Athena for all those darn engineering books!
29. Reinstall small teak table in cockpit.
30. Clean and put into service Athena's second fresh water storage tank.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Sailorette - Unemployed...

Tomorrow I join the great ranks of the unemployed...
Which can only mean a few things.
1. It's time to get back to working on the sailboat!
2. It's time to get back to working on the sailboat!!
3. It's time to get back to working on the sailboat!!!

I have often wanted to wander into the the realm of being unemployed. No, my savings account is not as stacked as it should be. I don't have funds hiding out in bank accounts in other countries or in safe deposit boxes somewhere...
It's possible in a couple months I might be in the line at WinnDixie with my food stamps, but hey, how else does one come to appreciate the struggles of others without experiencing what it's really like to live in those shoes for a while.
I wonder if things look somehow different when one doesn't know where the next dime is going to come from.
It feels I've always been sort of teetering on the edge of poverty... Never having much more savings than what would last a month or so...
In reality poverty could happen to any number of us at any time.
How would you handle it if it happened to you?
Well, my dear friends close to me, consider this a warning... as my friend Capt. John has said, now I must learn the art of showing up at friend's doorsteps in time for dinner ;)

But, back to the boat...
Goals for the first two weeks of unemployment as follows:
1. Repipe the fuel line from the Racor fuel filter to the engine.
2. Give my solar oven to Vicki and make some space.
3. Construct battery box for battery #2, starter battery.
4. Hook up the Cirius radio (maybe this should be priority One!).
5. Strip all teak on outside of sailboat.
6. Reseal all teak on outside of sailboat.
7. Finally finish wrapping more neatly the wire ties on the standing rigging.
8. Reseal some of the through deck fixtures.
9. Send special 7" 304 stainless steel shaft from roller furler out to get treated so hopefully it won't keep rusting.
10. Install new battery switch.
11. See if I can't figure out how to change the forward/reverse handle on the wheel so that when you push forward the boat actually goes forward and not reverse, vice versa.
12. Finish piping up the fuel for the propane stove.
13. I was thinking of installing the manual water pump for the head, but I think I'm just going to get ready to take that whole sink out of the head when I take Athena out of water this summer...
14. Modify one of the storages beneath the starboard bench in the salon.
15. Hang new "weather station", temp/humidity/pressure somewhere.
16. Seal the mast boot.
17. Replace the arms on two hatches.
18. Read.
19. Write.
20. Relax.
21. And... photo document all of the above ;)
All of the above can hopefully be done within the shoestring budget I'll be on for the next couple months ;)
I'll be blogging as often as possible... although I won't have much access to internet!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Jumbo Shrimp???

Look what I saw in the "Snook Light Aquarium" very early this morning.... 12:30 AM...

I think it's a shrimp! It was at least 6 inches in length and at least 1 inch in width. This creature was swimming around the surface eating all kinds of surface critters. A little difficult to photo as it was dark, the tide was somewhat low and a distance beneath the dock. Wish it wasn't so late, I would have liked to watch him longer...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

"Sunrise, Sunset..." - by Mary

"Sunrise, sunset, swiftly through they years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears" - from Fiddler on the Roof.
The post on the spoonbills recalled that I hadn't posted my sunrises or sunsets on my visit with Athena.
So for your viewing pleasure....
The sunrise and so it goes lighting the sky ever so gently and quietly...
And the sunset off Panther's Key

going ever so slowly...

And finally another sunset not quite so boisterous...

yet ever so subtle ...

flush and blushing like a maiden embarassed for the first time.

Yet always different and charming
no matter how many ways we view it..........

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

New Stickers on Veggie Car

Remember back in October when I spent a weekend on land and converted my "new to me" 1980's mercedes to run on 100% waste vegetable oil (WVO)???
Well, I finally convinced Capt. John to make the unique stickers I came up with for the back of the car... The rabbit logo is John's, but the words, are mine ;)
I can't help but chuckle ;)
Don't forget you can click on pic to see bigger/better ;)

Here's the story... one day, it just came to me, the idea for stickers on the back of the veggie car... I thought it was ingenious :) and, an attention getter too :0
So, I got a call from Capt. John, a.k.a. Naples Biofuel Org, and I told him I had a great idea for stickers on the back of my car... So, I told him, "My car is bi... but, prefers veggie!" silence... more silence... finally i said, "don't you think that's funny!!!" and, in all serious like, he said, "well, you can't have the website address on the back of your car then."
But, as you can see... the stickers are now on the back of the car, and the website address too!!! for all those that might not be able to read in the pic, it's
It took asking our friends what they thought, and finally, i think the winning go-ahead vote, was from our Buddhist meditation teacher, JoAnn :)

Peppermint Patty

Peppermint Patty, at it again, silly girl. Playing with toy my mom got the cats for Christmas.
In the background, two pieces of paper taped to my wall, trying to pick which font I want painted on the stern of Athena and her port, Mother Earth ;)

Sunrise and Spoonbills

I stepped out of the boat one morning last week to see this most beautiful sunrise, and as I was watching, 11 Spoonbills flew right over head :)