Thursday, February 07, 2008

What is a skunk ape anyways...

Docked on the edge of the everglades, one wonders, does the skunk ape really exist....
Is he/she starring at me as I run by the thick mangroves most humans refuse to traverse...
My eyes strain as I try to see anything distinct in those thick mangroves.
Who would walk amoung the prop roots of the red mangrove or
tidally swamped pneumatophores of the black mangrove?
Anything could be in there...
What are the chances the skunk ape would step onto the dock from the mangroves and walk towards the sleeping boats in the marina at night... or, perhaps simply lie in wait for the midnight stroller to the on-land head...
Just more Florida fun :)

1 comment:

Mary said...

It's very easy to believe this creature could exist after learning what I did about the everglades and "gator holes" and the way the indian tribes survived in the everglades when they were being routed out by the government.
Peace and Joy