I installed on January 21st.
I did need to make larger the original cutout for the previous alcohol stove.
Lucky for me, I have great friends with tools :)
Sailorette said she would be paddling around the island we anchored near but shortly after taking off she was back with a piece of driftwood for Lynn. I sure hope Lynn appreciates that piece of driftwood. If I could have put it in my luggage I would have tried to bargain it away from Sailorette.
Finally, after paddling around the island, Sailorette took pictures of the brown pelicans we were anchored near.
And then there was the surprise cell phone call. (My cell phone didn’t work out there but Sailorette’s did. )
But even though pictures can say a thousand words, I’d still like to try to give a portrait in words as well. Sailorette moves so boldly, shows strength but still has a soft touch for the kitties, chops fruit so adeptly she could be a sou (not sure about how that is spelled) chef. Sailorette can be funny and silly and serious within moments of each. She learns quickly. So quick you don’t need to say things twice. Sailorette is caring about people and the earth. Though I do think the earth has an edge over people at times. Probably a good thing though because the earth needs more caring people like Sailorette.
Part three tomorrow!