Before the last trip I had put anchor rode footage markers in the line... 30, 60, 90, 120, about 125 feet of line attached to about 15 feet of chain and the anchor.
I was hoping this "knowledge" of how much line I put out would make me feel better about my anchor holding... It would I suppose, if I followed the rules... which, I didn't quite do on the night of the storms that came thundering and blowing and raining through Panther Key. Not sure even if I had put out more line if I would have felt any better about the situation that night.
At any rate, there's probably no other place (besides the dock) I'd rather be during those storms. Panther Key, the sweet spot that Russell, Lynne, and I love to anchor in, has some great holding ground. and, honest to God, thank God!
Not sure what the drainage issue is yet, but when I went to pull the anchor back in the morning after the storms, my anchor locker was half full of water. I bailed it out before raising the line.
As always, check out the other blog to get the full story.... skip the boring stuff and go to the dates of April 10th and 11th.
Before the trip I had also installed a new depth sounder on Athena. This came into use when I attempted to anchor in a new spot at Camp LuLu...