Wednesday, April 25, 2007

SWFL Fires

It's dry dry dry season in SWFL. We are in a severe drought.

Here is a recent fire that sent a plume of smoke into the area.

The winds shifted during the night and dropped this plume onto the marina like a fog the next morning.

I awoke to the smell of 1,000 campfires. I expected to awake in a tent, rather than a sailboat ;)

It was obvious how this relatively thin smoke plume blocked out the sun; reminding me of the theories of a possible ice age caused by some catastrophic event... in the midst of talk of global warming...

1 comment:

Mary said...

At first I thought this was one of your beautiful pictures of a sunset and then I realized the seriousness of it. Even with all of our rain of late up north and the threat and reality of flooding, we have had a forest fire threat with lots of brush fires in the past week as well.