Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Patty Naps during trip

Patty, when not cowering during sailing... or, when not running around deck, chasing bugs that happen to fly by, batting at lines hanging from various places, swatting at my head as I walk down the companionway past her stealthy self "hiding" on top of the dodger, leaning over the edge of the boat staring into the water and making me worry she'll jump in, or relaxing under the shade of the dinghy on the bow or the kayak on starboard, she naps down below.

Pic on left is her cuddled up on a pile of stuff in the v-birth.
Pic on right is her cuddled up in the salon area when it's too hot outside.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Cats curled up in sleep are the most relaxing thing one can see, I believe.