Saturday, June 30, 2007

Battery switch wiring...

Two trips to West Marine today, and a third trip scheduled for tomorrow...
Those guys know me so well...
All day today I spent trying to get the batteries to work correctly.
Last night I had noticed that the batteries seemed really drained as the lights were really dim...
That made me nervous, because the batteries shouldn't be drained already!
We can't have that, so there was no other task but the battery task at hand.
With some help from my neighbor, Buzz, the batteries are now wired properly and working like a charm. If only I could readily screw this new battery switch up. The pic on the left is new switch. the pic on the right is the old broken switch i've been working on replacing. I guess in the act of replacing, I got the wiring mixed up... but now, it is correct :)
Always learning something new... today I had re emphasis of previously learned checking for voltage. Practice is good for the remembering mind...

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