Sunday, November 16, 2008

No Water

In southwest florida, it can be difficult to find water. especially in the "winter..."
My current wet slip is no exception. With the low low tides of the winter season on their way, this seems only the beginning, seeing as how it is only November...
Lack of water is one of many reasons I'm planning to pick up house and home and move...
This morning provided an example of what we've been experiencing lately. see pics here from this morning.
Sure, it was nice to be all cuddled up in the v-berth with the cold winds streaming across the thin patch of land between us and the Gulf, racking the halyards on the hollow aluminum mast that extends down near my head to the keel... hiding beneath thick layers of fleece blankets in a warm cocoon. cuddled up forcibly against the sides, tucked up beneath the cabinets...
the reason? a cold front came busting through last night bringing cold strong winds and, we were healed over.
Not because we were sailing, but because we were stationed, and the water was gone.

Low low tide and cold front winds further pushing the water out of the bays left us high and dry. She would be leaning more if it wasn't for the dock lines to the pilings...
In the pic on lower left you can see the rudder out of the water, even the propeller is just about above water, which is a little unnerving (although you can't perhaps see that in the pic). From the pic on the lower right one might be able to get a sense of the lean if one compares the stern rail to the mangrove shoreline.
It was difficult to walk through the salon this morning, the rug ready to slip any minute beneath my feet on the slant. An occurrence which has already happened in the past two weeks under similar conditions, the occurrence which prompted a quick study of other marina options!
Not sure this is that great for the boat. She should probably be tied such that she doesn't lean so much. The tide, I'm not sure if it ever came in today. This evening we've still been aground, although not quite as high and dry.
These are no conditions for wanting to go sailing. With sailing season upon us, it's time to find some deep water and escape from being tide restricted!!
Not to mention this crazy cold for Florida. One of these days I just might have to move to the equator to stay warm ;)


Anonymous said...

Oh my!!!!! That is lean. Glad you have left this berth.

noneya said...

nice to have mom around to lean on!!
