Saturday, November 29, 2008

Patty Spot

Has it been too long since we've had a Peppermint Patty spot...
Here she is helping get ready for trip by keeping an eye out ;)
Although I'm not sure how keen on sailing she is, she sure is a good cat.
She and I are both pretty tuckered out from the trip.
so, off to bed we go.
more later gators...


Beth H said...

So you made it safely?! Sounds great. Maybe we'll actually make it up to your new digs this time. Can't wait to hear the story of the move. Hope it was pleasantly uneventful!

Mary said...

Patty looks "curious" about the boat moving. To this day I would never have thought cats could live on a sail boat but she seems to take it like a trooper. Glad you are both safe after the trip.