Thursday, January 08, 2009

8 day trip, day 5 - New Year's Eve

Day 5 of our 8 day trip happened to be New Year's Eve...
I can't say there are too many other places I'd rather be on New Year's Eve than Panther Key.
Great friends, great weather, great champaign, great food...
Catching the last sunset of the year...
I find watching the last sunset of the year more significant than the stroke of midnight.
Way I see it, in the Panther Key time zone, we're already way behind many others on the planet that have already started the new year!
On the eve of 2008 my resolution was to sail more.
I have sailed more, but not enough.
I begin again 2009 with the end in mind.
Besides sailing, my resolution is to continue to stay motivated and work towards making SV Athena an even more beautiful sailing home.

Continuing to work on the vision so I can make it happen...

1 comment:

Mary said...

What a beautiful sunset and what a year to look back on! Looking forward to a great year. I even ate the traditional black beans and collards for good luck for the new year on New Year's day.