Thursday, January 08, 2009

8 day trip, day 5

A beautiful day anchored at Panther Key...
Morning brings low low tide as the red mangrove prop roots are exposed to the air and the fisheries loose some of their hiding places from the food web...
Speaking of food, with butternut squash in the solar oven, which also has a nickname... "sky lab"
Spent the day reading, resting, and relaxing. Enjoying.
There appears to be an unfortunate occurrence at Panther Key though... It always seems the days go by way too fast. I don't understand how it can be when we're not running around like rats in the maze of life trying to beat the clock. It would seem if one was taking things slow, that time would slow, but that does not seem to be the case, at least not for me at Panther Key. I guess it takes a certain type of personality perhaps, perhaps, perhaps... but I could spend days and days at Panther Key, reading, writing, relaxing, contemplating, sharing thoughts, even staring into the environment or simply space... and not miss one bit of anything that I don't have there. Except of course... family and friends!
Speaking of friends, we also had some other friends stop by for a visit!
They camped on the other side of Panther Key.
Ah yes, camping... Many times when I tell people I live aboard a sailboat, they think my life must be like full-time camping... I admit, I don't personally surround myself with a lot of conveniences, so, ya, it could kinda be considered like camping. although, I'm not sure I remember the last time a rock was sticking into my back, or sand was in my sleeping bag... and, I don't actually sleep in a bag, I have a most beautiful fleece blanket from my brother that is sinfully soft.
Camping or not, I'm not sure too many people can say they are "at home" when they are in the ten thousand islands...
I certainly don't consider a dock my home, it's SV Athena that is my home. With some encouragement from Lynne & Russell, it's even possible I'll put Panther Key, FL as my hailing port when I do finally get around to getting SV Athena's name on the transom, officially, other than the electrical tape that has managed to amazingly last two years...

1 comment:

Mary said...

Oh the many uses of electrical tape! Panther Key still calls me back to Florida and am missing it more as we plan for more snow tonight and tomorrow.