Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Eat Pray Love

Christmas morning, 0400, still up reading thE book.
Here is kitty cat, Peanut, yawning at the time and wondering how I can possibly still be up reading this book....
I'm cat sitting for Peanut. Such a cute kitten with coloring similar to Peppermint Patty.
This book is difficult to put down. I feel like I am strangely reading something I could have easily written, like someone has taken thoughts out of my head and put them into this book, although not really. The thoughts so similar to my own but in a slightly different time a lot different place.
One of the entries I read this seemingly night very early morning is the use of writing a petition to God that is then "signed" by all the people who would support one's petition, like family, friends, and whoever else; anyone can sign the petition.

Dear God,
Please help me on my spiritual path. I have become very confused of late, though I feel I have learned so much of benefit to myself and others. How shall I continue, for I have lost faith in the path I recently followed. I am taking another turn, please light the way I should go.
Please continue to send me the strength and resources I need to work the path that includes both spiritual growth and sailing. Help me overcome the fears that keep me on land.
Thank you for your love, compassion, and above all, forgiveness.
- Sailorette


Mary said...

I am signing the petition.

Mary said...

Peanut looks so much like Patty I almost thought she was at first.