Monday, November 10, 2008

Five Flying Months

Well, I can't believe it, but it's been five months since my last post.
Although not much work accomplished on SV Athena over these past months...
Sometimes the seas of our mind can be more difficult to traverse than waters of the Gulf.
Not to imply that the past five months have been bad, on the contrary they have been quite wonderful.
And, not to say there's been no work on Athena....

With June came the rains of summer... and the leaks...

In between wetness, I tried to clean up the old sealant (pic on left) and apply new silicone (pic on top right) to minimize the water that continued to find paths from the outside in.

Even with the new sealant, water still manages to be a cause (pic on bottom right) for practicing patient acceptance.

Posting this now in November, it's difficult to remember enduring all the rains that we had this past summer. It has hardly rained in the past two months. If I think back, I can recall searching for leaks with a flashlight. I found a leak soaking my undies in one compartment (yuck!). I didn't stop the leak, but I sealed up the location where it was accessing my clothes. I found water leaking in the galley shelves and from the two overhead lights in the aft of the salon. I have a sneaking suspicion it's the sliding hatch that's leaking. But, I never did get around to taking the hatch off... which will be quite an undertaking, but on the list before next rainy season. The portlights seem to be a never ending battle, so I just accept. The leak in my closet has also stained a bunch of clothes. I try to get these cleaned and shift things around a bit. I think I need to re-seal where the chain plate goes through the deck.
ah, the life of a sailboat owner ;)


Beth H said...

Good to see you back Sailorette!! I've been meaning to call/email you so many times lately and just haven't. I've been pretty tired lately with the kiddo(s). Hope to see you soon!

Unknown said...

I just found your site while searching in google. I'm very impressed with what you have done and how well you have kept the blog going.

I'm a Bristol 29.9-1979 owner also. I have owned Serenity for about 5 years now and my wife and daughter love the boat. My daughter has being on the boat since she was about 9 months old. We keep serenity in the Chesapeake Bay.

I'm getting ready to haul her out in early december for the season. There are lots of projects that need to get done.

Thanks again for keeping such a good record of Athena.

Daniel Rodriguez

Zen Jen said...

Thank you Beth and Daniel !!

Anonymous said...

Glad to have the blog back and active. I've missed hearing about Athena. Leaks
must really require patience. It seems to difficult to figure out where water is coming in. Water seems so innocuous but it can destroy just about anything even a little bit at a time. So keep at it!
Love ya!,