Friday, November 17, 2006

Engine is running again and VHF hooked up

My mentor, Russell, traveled down to Goodland last evening to help Athena and I out.
We replaced the o-rings on the Racor fuel filter and tightened the cap in hopes that this would seal the air leak the engine seems to have...
Then we had to take on the task of rebleeding the engine, a task that has become all too familiar and is no easy task with Athena's engine. After much angst, she started again, yae :)
Then we let her run. She ran for about 40 minutes with no problems, which is about 10 minutes longer than she ran on Sunday, when she sucked air and shut down again.
So, we'll have to keep her on a running scheduled to see if she really is reliable...
She also has some fuel hoses that could use replacing, so I'll be ordering those from my favorite parts department ;)
While the engine was humming away, Russell finished hooking up and installing the VHF radio.
The weekend is upon us and there's much to do, but I'm looking forward to it :)

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