Monday, November 06, 2006

Thanksgiving Trip Todos

With Athena's engine running again, yae ! The spirit of working towards the Thanksgiving trip up the coast to Cabbage Key is renewed :)
but... there's lots to do !!!!
There is a little leak in the wiring, Russell and I determined, a small one of 0.05 amps. We did some sleuthing, but Athena's wiring leaves lots to be desired. Behind the fuse board is a cluster of wires that looks like a rat's nest!
Goals this coming week as follows:
1. Trace as many electrical lines as possible and get rid of the miscellaneous ones of no use. Prepare to run new wires and clean up the rats nest.
2. Fresh water system still remains undone...
3. Try to get the running lights running :)
4. Hook up the tri-colored light and VHF radio antenna that were newly installed on the top of the mast this summer. Very important to get that VHF radio going.
Hopefully Russell will help with the running some wiring and the VHF radio and perhaps if time a trip out to the Gulf to practice some sailing :)
5. Also need to find a partner to go sailing with for Thanksgiving!

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