Monday, November 06, 2006

SV Athena

Sailing Vessel Alexis Dare was officially denamed and renamed Athena on November 4th.
There was much food...
And much ceremony...
An auspicious event !
A good time to invite friends to witness and to party!!

To ensure pleasing the gods... the event was a toga party...
Those that didn't arrive wearing togas... were not without toga for long...
Thank you everyone for helping me appease the gods ;)

Bruce looked great in the Hulk toga, and Rony looked great wearing Superman ;) Rony also did a wonderful job of popping the many champaign corks and serving up the champaign to everyone. Thanks Rony!

One of my very good friends (Beth), a great sewer, who makes some very cool things (, made my toga outfit. The fabric sparkles. I absolutely love it!! I felt like a goddess ;)
Thanks Beth :)

I just have to remember not to wear my shorts underneath next time so my butt doesn't look so big!!! It's big enough as it is ;p
Ya, that's right, I've been called "J Ro" before...

Another one of my very good friends (Vicki) arrived as a toga mermaid. She looked great! Vicki has given me tons of help and support with Athena. Thanks Vicki :)

Russell and Lynne also came very appropriately attired ! The fig leaves are awesome! We all especially liked Russell's "bag clip"....

Lynne is a great goddess and reminds me to be my own goddess too! Thanks Lynne :)
Without Russell, I wouldn't be where I'm at now!!!
Thanks Russell :)

Denaming Ceremony
"In the name of all who have sailed aboard this ship in the past, and in the name of all who may sail aboard her in the future, we invoke the ancient gods of the wind and the sea to favor us with their blessing today. Mighty Poseidon, king of all that moves in or on the waves; and mighty Aeolus, guardian of the winds and all that blows before them: We offer you our thanks for the protection you have afforded this vessel in the past. We voice our gratitude that she has always found shelter from tempest and storm and enjoyed safe passage to port.
Now, wherefore, we submit this supplication, that the name whereby this vessel has hitherto been known Alexis Dare, be struck and removed from your records.
Further, we ask that when she is again presented for blessing with another name, she shall be recognized and shall be accorded once again the selfsame privileges she previously enjoyed. In return for which, we rededicate this vessel to your domain in full knowledge that she shall be subject as always to the immutable laws of the gods of the wind and the sea. In consequence whereof, and in good faith, we seal this pact with a libation offered according to the hallowed ritual of the sea."

Renaming Ceremony
"Oh mighty and great ruler of the seas and oceans, to whom all ships and we who venture upon your vast domain are required to pay homage, implore you in your graciousness to take unto your records and recollection this worthy vessel hereafter and for all time known as Athena, guarding her with your mighty arm and trident and ensuring her of safe and rapid passage throughout her journeys within your realm.
In appreciation of your munificence, dispensation and in honor of your greatness, we offer these libations to your majesty and your court."

The sun set and the full moon rose. I think it was a wonderful way to rename a boat and I hope quite fitting for the gods that will watch over Athena...

Thank you Beth and Lisa for the great pictures !!!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Really cool pics and the food and people looked great! Wish I could have been there! The ceremony words quite lovely.