Sunday, May 18, 2008

Casey Key Beach

The Casey Key Beach is right across the street from the boat slips.
A nice private entrance to blue waters...
Unfortunately, for the Nokomis trip, my camera lens is less than clean, so ignore the smudges in the sky...

And, not too far down the street is a public parking beach access (bottom pic on left), that I haven't seen hide nor hair of evidence of a charge for. There are free access points left and right. So different than Marco for sure.

We also went down to the south tip of the island to check out the infamous "North Jetty Park," where all the surfers go...
Not really much of a surfer day, although there were some rollers coming in through the Venice Inlet... (bottom pic on right). The sailboats that we watched come through were tossed around like lettuce until they reach the calm inner waters...

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