Friday, May 16, 2008

Securing the Propane Line

This morning's project (while awaiting one more engine part...) has been securing and protecting of the propane line.
This involves squeezing into tight spaces... tight hot spaces. Speaking of which, have I mentioned that the outside temperature is climbing into the mid to high 80s during the day this week while I've been working on all these recent projects...
Compared to being squished into the locker, it feels so much better to be top deck even in the 80+ degree heat!
Pic on top left is me partway into the aft storage locker. The propane is running through the part of the locker that is beneath my right elbow. Oh, and I'm not standing either, I'm sitting on my feet on top of the box protecting the rudder gear.
Top right pic is part of the propane hose coming through the aft locker now secured and protected with clear vinyl tubing.
Bottom pics from left to right are the propane line secured and protected through the starboard storage locker, some of the items stored in their in evidence in the pics (sailing dinghy dagger board and kayak paddle, not to mention the batteries). This locker is also the entrance to the engine room.

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